
Nature calls

I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine
and fir and cedar and poplar trees.
The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns
and saffron sunsets.
It has given me blessed release from care and worry
and the troubled thinking of our modern day.
It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful.
Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and benumbs my brain,
I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn,
my cares fall from me — I am happy.
~Hamlin Garland, McClure’s, February 1899



  1. Bellissime le tue immagini, buon fine settimana, ciao.

  2. Such depth, especially in those first three photographs. "...and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn,
    my cares fall from me — I am happy."--love that.

  3. I will never get enough of your beautiful images.

  4. Love that you love your beautiful Montana :) Makes me want to visit!

  5. "fragrant breath of pine", oh, he gets it just right. I've never read that poem before, thank you so much for sharing it here. Photos are beautiful, as always :) xo

  6. Beautiful Camilla, all of it!
    I do hope you are feeling much better and life is good in your world.

  7. oh how i want to visit the mountains! the stillness in the reflections, goodness.

  8. exquisite images, perfect for black and white

  9. Wow I wish I could hang these photos on my wall xxx


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