
Becoming a garden Guru- Glory Bound

A few weeks ago I started a series
 I had the pleasure of interviewing Kim
that gave me so much helpful tips and advice.
Here is the beginning of our journey in Montana
 on the 48th parallel
 fingers crossed.
 The snow has been melting and the earth is becoming warm enough to till
chef is really leaning in
 He has been working diligently on rototilling this weekend
 Love the rich dark color of soil, the smell, the warmth when the sun heats it up.
 Making cold frames to start our seeds
 using some old mis matched windows from the shed
 and added a branch for the handle
 pretty excited

 Even Foghorn helped out-  drove the tractor all day- dragging
helping new growth along
 Bella added her request to the garden
 Can you guess?
 I love dirt
 threw my shoes off and walked barefoot
 it felt so good and full of promise.
Hopefully  this year the garden will be Glory Bound




  1. Look at you guys go, love it! Your cold frames look beautiful my friend. I am so excited for you.

    The smell of the earth in the spring...best smell ever. Enjoy!

  2. That's so exciting! You've been working hard for it! Btw that's a beautiful song, thanks for sharing!

  3. I believe you're gonna have the best garden ever. I love that Bella is hoping for carrots :)

  4. You are so lucky, I still have a half a foot of snow covering my garden...and that dirt! Wow, it looks amazing. You should have no problem growing a bountiful crop this year.

  5. (...third try to comment..) If the ground would ever thaw I'd be able to get the darn peas in the dirt. Love chef behind the tiller - he makes a mean garden..like his waffles!!xo

  6. Looking good!!! So glad that I get to watch you through the process of guru-ing a garden...it is going to be wonderful.

  7. It is so much fun to watch your gardening journey, it's going to be a fabulous garden!

  8. Your soil is a wonderful colour. All that love, your garden is going to be bountiful :)

  9. Oh wow Im so excited to see all this!


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