
Mittens & Muir

 "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
John Muir

This week I have been spinning up a storm...so I decided to make some simple mittens.
I just winged the pattern and they fit pretty good.
I am in the middle of Muir- I love Muir for everything he has done for our national parks, he was a great naturalist. Did you know he was from Scotland and that he founded The Sierra Club?
The book is
The Wild Muir
Twenty-two of John Muir's greatest adventures
What wild adventure are you up too?
Joining Ginny


The JOY of spinneri


How I have missed this!

Enjoying the fiber between my fingers
 beautiful shades of color
musing at my rediscovered love of fiber arts

 been awhile...
it's good to be back.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Home, the spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
~Robert Montgomery

Well back from Norway- it has been and incredible experience- so good to be home in Montucky. Just the every day stuff. I so appreciate my life here in America. My horses, my dogs, the warm sunny days- just random things.
However my family is still in my heart and I think of then so very often.
When we came home I made "lapper" ( little pieces) a Norwegian style pancake that is served with sour cream and raspberry jam. I add cardamom- because it my most favorite spice in baked goods.
Auggie is devouring them here with a tall glass of ice cold milk.
We eat them for breakfast but they are served almost like "mid day tea" in England- at my uncles.
(I am in the process of "processing" my images from Norway and will be uploading them soon)

Many things opened up for me while away- how much I missed spinning. I had just bought a
Maja craft Aura- before my hands kicked the bucket. This beautiful spinning wheel all the way from the factory in New Zealand...and I barely used it. So...with that I am giving it a go again- trying something entirely new- change, remember...that is what I am about these days- I am plying yarn. Letting go of the days of art yarn too chunky for my hands to spin...but this, might work.
This is my lazy Kate- pretty clever?
Yep, laundry basket with my bobbins on long needles- it's not prefect but it works.

2 skeins...leftover roving from former days. These are okay...Rome wasn't built in one day- I'll get better.

...a scarf is in the making. Can't tell you have good it feels to make something from the beginning-
 and to be home.

Have you been traveling this summer....do tell?