

Home, the spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
~Robert Montgomery

Well back from Norway- it has been and incredible experience- so good to be home in Montucky. Just the every day stuff. I so appreciate my life here in America. My horses, my dogs, the warm sunny days- just random things.
However my family is still in my heart and I think of then so very often.
When we came home I made "lapper" ( little pieces) a Norwegian style pancake that is served with sour cream and raspberry jam. I add cardamom- because it my most favorite spice in baked goods.
Auggie is devouring them here with a tall glass of ice cold milk.
We eat them for breakfast but they are served almost like "mid day tea" in England- at my uncles.
(I am in the process of "processing" my images from Norway and will be uploading them soon)

Many things opened up for me while away- how much I missed spinning. I had just bought a
Maja craft Aura- before my hands kicked the bucket. This beautiful spinning wheel all the way from the factory in New Zealand...and I barely used it. So...with that I am giving it a go again- trying something entirely new- change, remember...that is what I am about these days- I am plying yarn. Letting go of the days of art yarn too chunky for my hands to spin...but this, might work.
This is my lazy Kate- pretty clever?
Yep, laundry basket with my bobbins on long needles- it's not prefect but it works.

2 skeins...leftover roving from former days. These are okay...Rome wasn't built in one day- I'll get better.

...a scarf is in the making. Can't tell you have good it feels to make something from the beginning-
 and to be home.

Have you been traveling this summer....do tell?


  1. I do something very similar for plying. I use a metal piece from a loom and a holey storage box. It works so much better than the lazy kate (some wood with two metal sticks) that came with my wheel.

    1. That is so smart- will try that, thanks for the tip.

  2. What beautiful yarn! I'm not a spinner *yet!* but hand spun is beautiful no matter what! Lovely! Where in Norway are you from? I have a very close friend in Oslo!

    1. I am from Oslo, but visiting my family in Geilo in Hardanger.

  3. So wonderful to see you at the wheel!! I am trying to spin fat and you are spinning thin - think of you everytime I sit at the wheel. The Aura is so beautiful. When I spin with my spindle I use my "lazy crate" - a small milk crate with dowels through it. Love the "laundry kate"!! Your yarn is so beautiful.. So glad you had a wonderful trip home to Norway.

  4. How lovely it must feel to spin again, and to be home.

  5. hurray, i love to see you making wool, hoping your hands feel okay! beautiful photos camilla.

  6. you sound so happy and I love that you're back. Sometimes getting away brings a new perspective. Glad you are back to creating and I hope you enjoy every single minute of home.

  7. It is wonderful to hear you had such a lovely visit home. I am just back from Va. and trying to get settled back in to a norm.

    I am thrilled for you to be spinning again and such pretty yarn you are creating.
    I visited a yarn store that also sold spinning wheels. I am planning on visiting again in a few months since no one around here spins,and having a lesson. Spinning has been on my to learn list for too long!

  8. lovely yarn there. spinning looks so meditative. i've always wanted to try it myself.

  9. You know how much I have missed you and your blog. . .but the yarn, oh my goodness, it brought so much joy. I feel happier now that you are in this world again.
    xoxo Bobbie

  10. I am so pleased to have found your new blog as I am a bit hopeless at keeping up in the blog world these days! Your spinning is lovely, I think that the finer yarns will be easier on your hands. I miss my wheels as I sold them (in haste and times of money need!) but I have been spindle spinning this summer.
    We are off to france and spain in our camper van next week but I will love to catch up with your blog when I get back. xx Linda xx

    1. So good to hear from you Linda- I hope you have a wonderful time.


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