
Mountain Girl Yarn update

 I 've been busy
New fresh yarn in the shop.


  1. you HAVE been busy! Love them all, Camilla, what a gift you have :) xo

  2. Oh wow! all those colors. .. love it!

    Lluisa xoxo

  3. Oh, the colors of your yarns are gorgeous!

  4. each and every one.....beautiful!!!!

  5. gorgeous!! Lovely colors and love that fork/spoon or implement...

  6. Those are gorgeous! The colors are so soft but still vibrant.

  7. Stunning colour combinations- you have been busy! :)

  8. I was looking at your photos in the next post that you did and the colors in those last skeins of yarn looks so much like the fields, sky, and blue mountains of Montana. You can ::feel:: your passion for place in your yarns. Really really beautiful C.. xo

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